Sunday, April 5, 2015

Warmachine/ Hordes Painting

I plan on playing more Warmachine this year especially in the Summer when I am not working. The Slag Troll is an addition to my small Trollblood force I painted a couple of years ago. Kovnik Malakov is going to be used in my main Khador army. I also painted a swamp gobbers bellows crew which can be used with any Hordes army but I especially need them with my Trolls to provide some much needed cover. During a game last week my Fennblades took some serious casualties from winter guard infantry shooting. The 5" cloud the bellows crew provides should help shield them from missiles.

 Slag Troll

I'm looking forward to using this guy against Warmachine armies and Circle constructs. 
Kovnik Malakov
I've never used a jackmarshal before but Malakov is also a journey warcaster so he should be a welcome addition. I need some cheap infantry near him so he can pass off hits with his "sucker" ability. I might run him with some c=mechanics nearby. Sucks to be you guys!
Several months ago I picked up a Skorne battlegroup for really cheap. I don't know if I will ever use them but I went ahead and painted them anyway. I'm still undecided if I want to keep them or put them on the selling block.

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