A collection of reviews, session reports, and commentary on wargaming. "When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." --C.S. Lewis

Thursday, February 28, 2013
SAGA Normans and End of SAGA Month
I just finished 12 mounted Norman hearthguard, a mounted warlord, and 8 dismounted warriors for SAGA. I am adding some bow armed levies and crossbow-armed warriors as well when I return home.
Today is the last day of SAGA month. I finished a 37 man Anglo-Dane warband and this 21 man force of Normans. Not bad for a short month especially when I had to leave for 6 days for a conference.
I'm done with the Dark Ages for now. I'll be adding to my Dystopian Legions FSA army and starting a new faction for Hordes next.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
SAGA-Normans WIP
I started my second warband for SAGA after finishing my Anglo-Danes--Normans. Pictured here are 12 mounted hearthguard and the warlord with sword. I am also going to paint an 8 man dismounted warrior unit. Normans really need combined arms to be effective, but I am going to wait and get some bow-firing levies and and some warriors with crossbows when I return home. I should have these mounted figures done in 3-4 days and will hopefully start the dismounted warriors this month.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Anglo-Danes For SAGA
My Anglo-Danes have two 8 man units of warriors, one 12 man unit of levy archers, 8 hearthguard with Danish axes, and a warlord also equipped with an axe. I am waiting until I return to flock the melted snow bases and apply decals to the shields which I am leaving primed black for now. I am going to take a couple of nights off then start my Normans. I have enough figs for a mounted Norman warlord, 12 mounted hearthguard, and one unit of dismounted warriors with swords and spears. Once I get home I am adding bow-armed levies and a unit of Flemish warriors armed with crossbows. I read that the Normans are a challenge to play since charging units are fatigued automatically so I may add a standard bearer as well.
It will be interesting to see how the Normans tackle an all-infantry warband especially Scots with spears or Anglo-Danes with axes.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
SAGA Update--Anglo-Dane Archers
SAGA month continues as I put the finishing touches on these archers tomorrow. Next it will be on to the two units of warriors in the background and then 2 units housecarlswith chain mail and Danish axes. I am going with a mixed snow-grass base since it is supposed to represent Northern Europe and Britain. I need to brush up their faces and add some detail to the bows and quivers and then apply an inkwash.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
SAGA Anglo-Danes WIP
This is my first batch of models for my SAGA Anglo-Dane warband. Models are unarmored Saxons from the wargames factory "Hammer of the Gods" series. I'll prime tonight and hopefully start painting tomorrow.
I have one 8 man group of levies armed with bows and 2 8-man groups of warriors. I will be using Conquest Games Norman infantry as hearthguard since some of them are covered in chainmail and can be equipped with double-handed Danish axes.
I have one 8 man group of levies armed with bows and 2 8-man groups of warriors. I will be using Conquest Games Norman infantry as hearthguard since some of them are covered in chainmail and can be equipped with double-handed Danish axes.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
February 2013-- SAGA Month
Happy Belated 2013! After taking January off to travel home, I have returned to my undisclosed location with two boxes of plastic 28mm models and my SAGA rulebooks. Work has already started on Anglo-Dane, Anglo-Saxon, and Norman warbands so when I return home this summer the Dark Age battles will commence. I will be spending the whole month of February and part of March putting together over 100 levies, warriors, hearthguard, and a couple of warlords for this great game.
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